Saturday, June 1, 2013

Lamma Island weekend brunch

It was 33degree sunny and hot day in HK. I took this saturday morning to visit the Lamma Island. I got on the 索古灣 ferry from Aberdeen pier at 11am. The ferry ticket HK$11 one way. It was about 30mins one way. I felt so comfortable on the ferry and enjoy the ocean breeze. There were many Korean high school students on board. After getting off the ferry, there is only one road named 索古灣第一街, many seafood restaurants on the street. I found many homemade shops where sell food and dried seafood such as seeweed 紫菜, 蝦醬, 蝦乾, 咸魚, 鮑魚, 醬料. There is one desert and cheese cake shop.  I bought one box of coconut pancakes$20/box, 椰絲手卷, 肉鬆手卷 pork pancakes. They are fresh made. This village is very friendly, warm and casual. I really enjoy the relax atmosphere here. I sat down at the Loso Cafe to have German sausage with instant noodles and lime soda, HK$56. This is the best Weekend brunch in Hong Kong. I look forward to bring my foreign friends to here soon.

p.s. There are ferry from the Central pier to 索古灣.

Three female fishermen netting
Three female fishermen netting
Mo Tak Wan
seafood growing place
Aberdeen pier
Loso Cafe, Lamma Island
Lime Soda, Loso Cafe, Lamma Island
Loso Cafe, Lamma Island
The view from Loso Cafe
Aberdeen Pier
Aberdeen Pier
departing from Aberdeen Pier
The view of Loso Cafe, Lamma Island
索古灣 street sell dried aberlone
ferry schedule
German sausage with instant noodles, HK$48
Homemade Coconut pancake
Homemade pork stuff pancake
索古灣 souvenair
索古灣 seafood restaurants

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